Engineer Behind Iranian Saucer Technology Comes Forward
By Hank Mills
On March 16th, 2011, the hard-line Iranian news agency Fars issued a press release stating Iran had developed a flying saucer. The unmanned saucer named “Zohal” is stated to be equipped with an auto-pilot system, GPS, and an imaging system. It is claimed the craft can fly indoors and outside. Initially, the press release included a stock photo of a flying saucer that was obviously from an old SCIFI movie. This image was later replaced with a picture of what looks like an ordinary quadrocopter.
Such an image would tend to indicate there is nothing exotic about the craft.
Mehran Keshe is the director of the Keshe Foundation. He claims to have developed a special plasma reactor that allows for the manipulation of gravitational and magnetic fields to produce motion. Multiple patent applications have been filed for this reactor, and details of it are explained on his foundation’s many websites. Importantly, in a recent interview with William Alec of Vortex Network News, Keshe specifically states his technology is incorporated in Iran’s new saucer. He also claims to have given the technology to the Iranian government years ago and is actively working with them. This contradicts the idea that the saucer is a kind of multi-turbine helicopter.
Powerful and Affordable Propulsion
This technology sounds too good to be true. It is claimed to allow for both a gravitational and magnetic field to be produced around a craft. The gravitational and magnetic fields are used for propulsion. They work for or against the fields of other bodies in space such as planets, stars, or even galaxies. A device that weighs seven to ten kilograms is claimed to produce many tons of lift. The lifting force is created without the need for any conventional fuels. These devices are very cheap to build. A small reactor costs around one thousand dollars in components.
The benefits of this astounding technology are many fold and address many of the challenges found in space travel. To be blunt, it seems to combine all the best technologies of the fictional Starship Enterprise. For example, the magnetic field produced by the craft protects the occupants from cosmic radiation. Apparently, this field is so intense that small dust particles that would normally destroy a space craft, are simply disassociated on the atomic level. Due to the fact the craft produces its own gravitational field, occupants can walk about normally and will experience the same level of gravity they do on Earth. This would prevent the muscle and bone degradation found when exposed to long periods of zero gravity. Also, the occupants should not feel the inertial effects of sudden acceleration.
If verified this technology could suddenly leap mankind forward to an age of space exploration beyond that of Star Trek. This technology is claimed to offer not only faster than light travel, but almost instant space travel. Theoretically, a craft could travel to the nearest star system (4.2 light years away) in seconds! Of course this technology offers benefits inside of a planetary atmosphere. A craft utilizing this technology would not come into physical contact with air due to the powerful magnetic field around the craft. This would eliminate drag and prevent sonic booms. It is also claimed that the craft would be able to travel underwater without any drag!
Potentially Game Changing Theory of Gravity
The theory behind the reactor and how it produces such forces is potentially revolutionary. Keshe claims that all matter (including protons and electrons) are composed of anti-matter, dark-matter, and normal matter. Gravity is produced by the magnetic fields of these various types of matter interacting with each other. By turning matter into a plasma these different components can be disentangled from each other. Doing so can allow for powerful magnetic and gravitational fields to be created. Also, the same process can be used to produce an unlimited supply of energy. This can be done by simply adding special coils near the spinning plasma.
It would be easy to dismiss this technology as being fantasy, except for the fact that many specific claims have been made. Apparently, work on the propulsion aspect of the technology is complete. They have small units (less than ten kilograms) that can produce tons of lifting force. The first prototype produced so much lift that he had to jump on top of it to stop it from flying too far upwards! This technology has been shared with various nations including the USA, Iran, and Russia. NASA and other space agencies have been given all the information about the technology. It is claimed the technology is now being scaled up, but Keshe states he cannot talk about the details.
The goal of the Keshe Foundation is to open up a university in which students from around the world would spend six years learning about the technology, building systems, and going back to their home country to teach others. This would make sure all nations have access to the technology. By 2015 the foundation also plans to have a full scale craft that would allow tourists to visit the moon.
There are only three options here. Keshe has produced a breakthrough technolology that holds the potential to change our world, he is an absolute liar, or he is delusional. There is nothing in between these possibilities. Either his claims are true or they are not. Tons of lift from a ten kilogram device cannot be a measurement error.
Beyond the Tech of Star Trek
Please let me be clear about my position on the reality of this technology. I very sincerely hope he is telling the truth. In addition, I have no reason to believe he is lying. But the simple extent of this potential breakthrough is almost unfathomable. This technology would overcome every single obstacle to interstellar space travel plus provide an unlimited source of energy. If he is telling the truth, our civilization could soon advance beyond the 24th century…..
There is practically nothing in the world of Star Trek this technology does not also offer.
FTL Warp Drive? CHECK!
Warp Core? CHECK!
Shields? CHECK!
Artificial Gravity? CHECK!!
Inertial Dampers? CHECK!
Deflector Array? CHECK!
Warp Core? CHECK!
Shields? CHECK!
Artificial Gravity? CHECK!!
Inertial Dampers? CHECK!
Deflector Array? CHECK!
Iranian Saucer Connection
The critical issue I see is to get verification that his technology is being used in the Iranian flying saucer. We need some sort of official reference, statement, or document directly linking his technology to the craft. I have emailed Keshe a list of questions about his connection to the saucer.
To read the rest of the article:-
The Keshe Technology – Game-Changer, Business Promo, or Cold-War Feint?

If we’ve posted very little on the subject here, (1) while others are posting more, it’s probably because it isn’t apparent at the moment if what is occurring is simply another act in the cold war between the U.S. and Iran or what.
The following statement on his site seems to suggest that Mr. Keshe is doing what he’s doing as part of a business plan:
“By the further consulting of this web site about new plasma reactor technology you confirm to be aware of the intellectual rights of Mr. M.T. Keshe, and be aware that international patents are filed for this technology. You confirm that you will respect these rights as far as they are original.” (2)
It doesn’t appear that Mr. Keshe is acting at the behest of the galactics or the Company of Heaven more generally conceived. Some of the actions that he says he or others in Iran have carried out or can carry out are certainly not neutral in their application but appear to support the same separative war mentality that has existed until now. Is Mr. Keshe simply serving the Iranian agenda to counter the American agenda?
The promise to travel to the moon and back “in less than 10 years from now” (3) certainly suggests that they are not being sponsored by the galactics. If they were, we’d be speaking about travelling to the moon and back in a matter of months, I’d think.
For this reason I don’t regard Mr. Keshe’s technology as a game-changer. (And I’m aware that the galactics are helping terrestrials produce new technology. I’m just not sure who they are helping and whether Mr. Keshe is one of them.)
We’re also aware of President Obama’s executive order against Keshe.
In a situation as fluid as it is at the moment, it doesn’t seem obvious how much of what is happening is smoke and mirrors, who is honestly supporting a breakthrough for the world and who is merely promoting themselves, etc. So I at least am waiting for a fuller outworking of these events before either jumping on the bandwagon and hailing the Keshe developments or attempting to interpret whatever the President is up to and for what reason.
It hasn’t generally been our practice to pride this site on “scooping the news.” We’d rather publish material that has a high chance of being credible and socially beneficial. The jury is still out on whether the Keshe developments are that or not.
In the end, in my opinion, what Mr. Keshe does or doesn’t do is not of central importance. The galactics will soon be here and gifting us with technology, which won’t need to be bought, patented, developed overly much, etc.
Just so you know. We’re not ignoring it. We just don’t know the actual and exact significance of it, as yet.
(I suppose I should add that the same “wait and see” attitude applies to the alleged closing of the Russian stock market and alleged mortgage forgiveness in Iceland.)
(1) “Engineer Behind Iranian Saucer Technology Comes Forward,” April 1, 2012, at
(3) Loc. cit.