By Ry-man 伊勢白山道
出張の前に思ったこと日記 2011-01-12 10:42:11
(This photo was recently photographed by one readers of Ry-man`s blog Ise-Hakusan-Do at front of Naiku in ISE-JINGUU.
His/her finger was over the camera lens at edge of a bottom right. But I see the strong irradiation lighting of the Sun spirit radiating from the round Sun ) By Ry-man Ise-Hakusan-Do 1/12/2011
* Updated for the photo as above on Jan.12 / 2010 12:12:12 AM in this article on Jan.1. By KOKORO-DO
By AMARARATASU 海添 Jan.1/2011 2:29:27pm
明けまして 御芽出度う御座位ます。
Akemashite Omedetou-Gozaimasu
あけまして おめでとうございます。
What was opened for us... There is for impossible to count new Sun light`s blessing on Earth opened Her arms and Heart to us.
The Cosmic symphony as Universal celebration of celestial bodies given the new birth of the Sun:the Sun is reborn in 3 days in Dec,22d to Dec,25th after 3 season passed.
For us, there is meaningful to grab our visions in our hearts IN THIS SEASON.
A vision in a each heart would take a place to be more reasonable for each own life.
A resolution for recovering a mistake at last year, for a more progressively set up new plan based privately or socially success or based success in both fields at last year and for a family matter, for own matter, so on so on.
A human world contains so many each`s issues and matters and good news. But less quantity,amount---if we have a financial matter---and volume...than how gracefully The Sun is giving the LOVE and Mercy to solve any matters and issues on Earth and to us.
A wishing to be happy or be happier in this season is very normal mind activity for all of us to do. And for really to be in peace, we thank to The New Sun first could be very easy to ride on a wave as a melody of Cosmic symphony.
Then we could be into that symphony to be oneness with our life more smoothly and to be harmonised with own heart with out any illusional worries which are still in own mind.
We are able to take look and observe what was happened already , right? Because of already manifested in Air and in lights so.We do focus on it, will be so much better and do not need to worry about still in a shadow in own heart or own brain.
Other wise, unseen waves pushing us be worry are ghosts in us, in our brain. They want come out with their ego to be real at this world in our life. They are like a alien but cosmic dust in own brain which has desire to be. It is a challenge to influence dusts and try to hide the Sun light. Same thing happens in our heart also when we worry too much.
Worry too much push us lose our right thought and six-sense and even five senses---lose feeling for happenings right now right here at our front of eyes---
A better solution for that ghost is: GET A very RIGHT INFORMATION for your concern or worry to be lighter them with your ACTION and GRATITUDE.
Some love to talk a lot about things passed and it sounds beautiful for them but feel not healthy for listeners, listeners might suggest them are living in passed and can not get out from OLD TIME`s GHOST TOWN so [they seems can not live for today.]
They may lose for ONE INCH`s chance of the blessing to be happier.
I had came through this for years but never had talked about passed,how I was hurt and felt powerless to take care of loved one sadly couldn`t and still could not talk about even how is the life crashing at past make me feel into down hell at today. >>> This is, I think my self lost emotional expression. Sank deeply into the water which was a flame of my anger lost battle. The Water essence in my heart won for years.
I could control my negative side of flame in my heart in a protection of unseen spirits`s help. I really got feel this at this new year 2011.
I thank them very much from my whole heart.
They had been protecting me to do not kill my self and holding me as baby in their hands.
So I may had half sleeping living at forest as a miracle exchanging for temporary which I did not realised until today.
I really thank for people I had met and lived together at that time. I thank for this moment to got me to know how unseen love and spirits works on me and all of us.
A flame of gratitude only the way to back from deeply bottom of cold water pool to maintain own normal balance.
If ... I got into my own ghost town in a lost balance twisted Good and Bad sweet emotion candy bar like? ...I really got trouble to be in harmonised relation ship and friend ship.
More...if I got in to a ghost town in a full flame with my anger... I could not back to my family mentally and could not take an action to visit them even few times in decade, but may happened my dead body had come back to them.
Even someone now is playing at own ghost town, will be all right. He or she has a just trouble for unable to get out the experience they had in past. That is not crime if he or se dose not kill own self or other.
Just as Ry-man said, all we are going die with own experiences only. Not money, not success, not honor but how we got them.
However whatever I do.........I can just stick with my good will and thank to unseen spirits and Nature spirits. This mentality will able to create own my original HEART wave and electric brain active which able to fuse into the Sun light hopefully.

My Jingu in my heart maybe just like a photo at a left.
It looks like a little box on a Hakusan Mountain in snow.
No one of my family in Japan is not living with me.
Only my heart is with my body and soul and spirit.
In a Winter.
I imagine the Ocean of Air,the Sun and snow
Then my heart as my Jingu in my micro universe
And I close my eyes...I see the little Sun in my third eye.
Oh! my inner Amaterasu Ohimikami... Thanks
生かして頂いて ありがとう御座位ます
Thank for letting all natures live