Friday, December 31, 2010


Oh dear, already December 31.

Many to do for a new year. Every woman are getting busy at West, East , North and South  on a world map. I am not so busy even have a many to do. Only many for me, someone can handle easy than I can. 

In my pace and speed, I had checked KOKORO TENTASU`s contribute at Re-man`s blog in Japan. I love to share it with you. 

If you are interested, read on please.  

Oh,by the way, edited it so for easy reading to get only a point of KOKORO`s main sentences as good for the title KICK BACK 2. 

At first in Japanese, second in English. Let me try for translation.


 (KOKORO点太素2010-12-27 14:47:5

That is right. No matter what happened, no matter how things were, I never lose hope and gut.



A life is shorter than we think.  

What do you worry about!? in such short life.

今日観たフットボールチーム シャークス(鮫)の映画に教えられた気がします。

For getting that point of view, I guess... I was taught by one movie,DVD which one I watched at today. 

That story is about Sharks, The Foot Ball team.

お!鮫はイザナギ イザナミでしたよね? 嬉しいな〜 ではついでにこれを。

OH! SHARKS are  IZANAGI and IZANAMI.  Aren`t they? 

I`m so glad for sharks. 

Right then, incidentally I like to express this my mind as below for today.


A team work. Be or not to be for one inch`s defence and offence. That is it.

皆で闘って死ぬか 一人一人の人生を終えて死ぬか どちらかしかない。

Only one way should be in our heart and hand. 

All together die in fight for Foot Ball game or  have done each one of life and die.

一人がいくら優れていても その一人のために 他が体を張って守るからこそ その一人がタッチダウンに成功できる。

Even only one player is super good,if lost others defensive team work in tooth and nail for one...he is nothing

Others for one super good , and one super good for a team then that one can Touch Down.

その一人がクオーターバックとして ゴールを目指すチームメイトにボールをパスすることに集中できる。それが例え瞬間のことであろうともだ。

  If that super good one as the quarterback, it`s same thing. 

In others protective defence as guard, he can focus to pass the ball to a team mate as the other super good who is running into the goal. 

Even even that is just in a moment.  

Only a team work works in trust and will and guts for that moment. 

フットボールか人生か それしかない。人生でもフットボールでも コーチの俺だろうと 6インチの先のことはお手上げさ。

A Foot Ball Game or Life. That is it.

And more, not matter a Life or Foot Ball Game for  far 6 inches from here and now, even my self as a coach hard to get it to understand what is going on. 

だがな 1インチでは勝負できる。1インチの距離は外さない。

But I say this. 

I can deal with victory or defeat in 1 inch. 

I do not lose for  taking a chance in 1 inch to be victory.


Let live in this 1 inch! Let grab it and make us a victory.  

A victory in both, a defence  and  offence in 1 inch.

そうだな…いくらリーマンさんが 記事で救おうとする良いボールを投げたとしても 僕らがグダっとしてたらボールを落としますね。

Well ... I feel this way from the movie also after watched it`s story.  

Such Re-man san try to rescue and help by this blog thoroughgoing like a passing ball to readers, when we as readers get a lazy to be thankful, we may not catch and grab it or  drop off even caught it.

要するは 目に見えないし号令も聞こえはしないが

In word, we do not see and do not hear any command from upper Kai / Heaven in our every day life and in this world as spiritual world. 


---If we can hear,we have to be very careful about that. 

A reason is we do not know where they came from. 

From Demon kai or from hell or from Shinkai or from other planet or from Nature spirits even a voice told you where a voice came from. 

チームワークで実はみんなが生きている 生かし合っているという摂理がある気がしてきたんです。

Fortunately I sensed positive truth. 

That is, we have been alive and letting live each other in a world wide , a nation wide team work.

A whole world team in the providence, dispensation and Mother Nature.

--- is the will of Origin Root.

When one country helps other countries for economical reason or humanity or for anything, that one country must have the grate good will in an agreement of peoples in its country. 

I am as Japanese, getting some information about it makes me so wondering to think about our future as Japanese and one of human being on Earth. 

A very interesting point is: 
Even countries have Karma to pay off and be pay off. BUT some countries HISTORIES were edited by the politically lie and by holding  governed secret. Even news as the media. 

What I am believing is who I am and where I am and what I am doing now. 

What I believe at today is who I am to be and where I go and what I do to be.

God/kami bless all of us when we TRUST the own higher self. 

The own higher self/self kami was woke up by our each own GOOD WILL.

The own good will always with the own higher self in the own HEART and the own brain may challenges to consider " How use the own good will for whom first and for what first" 

The own good will sometimes requires me to be grouchy,stingy,denial,refusal and keeping silence or standing up to fight for other or myself.

I need to be careful abut those action. I need to be very less egoistic human when get suggestion for how I get my action to others and matters or issues. For this point,I need to consider this.
*The own originality and own gratitude to live own self,to own family and to ancestors come first in own life. 

That each`s own work with each`s own THANKFUL heart...even I do not know  about you , possible to create all in one Earth nation`s mentality in peace together.
we are in the one team.
An each one of us is a cell for our Universal Body

Many talk about the year of 2012. THIS IS the subject in 6 INCHES.

So let live me in my originality and truth which I feel good about, feel right about, in the 1 inch as the moment to moment as the day by day. 
This is my voice as my promise to  unseen Kami. 

I do not wait to hear His voice and I give my voice as my will to Him and Her Amaterasu Ohomikami. 

I do not asking help to Him or to Her.

I do help Them be happier with what I do and how I thank to what I lose and get. 
This is my latest revolution in my heart in a year of 2011!

I was realised...This event in my heart had been seeding since I was baby!!! 

Finally after the flower blooming was gone by demonic storm like events but training for my soul in my life,finally I met to Ise-Hakusan-Do by Re-man (also possible for writing " Ry-man " ) . 

Thank for letting all of us in the Nation Wide Team on Earth live.

Monday, December 27, 2010


By  SUMISO-TAMISO & KOKORO-TENTASU on Dec.27th 2010 1:11:55 PM

This Photo from MIKAGURA san who is one of contributor of Ise-Hakusan-Do.

I `d like to give a expression for this photo.

An Old Bridge was gone. 

Now A New Bridge on A Old River still exist from  
An Ancient Time at Ise where the still has many Old Towns as all countries in Japan have.

A One town in Ise `s name is KANAN.

What we lost at there? 

I say, we lost Jewish who came from Israel before Christ. 
But maybe not lost. Some may married with Japanese and staid at Ise or had travel into deeper north countries, a snow country in Japan. Just maybe.

I do not need to be logical at this point. It is not my job. 

I just follow my imagination and vision just what I feel gooood. 

I believe us know many things but lost memory so, then gladly sometimes coming back to our brain and give us [!!!] GOT IT! 

I believes it works. A best for own creation of own life.

 We all on the Earth are connecting to up above,heavenly spiritual zone where there are some areas and ranks.

Which area I have connected is in my concern. Even so I have to trust what my brain catches and how my heart vibes,and I do not go to any other fortune teller to ask for any matters, issues.

If I trust any opinions of the out side world with out my concerning and not taking my own innate voice of my self,I LOSE a link with my self the one step by one step and really will be LOST.

Everything has a reason to LOSE or GET in our life and LOST or WON in a life game.

Okay,it is a life as dramas. Other wise it is not Okay anymore if it is not my life. Not real anymore not at all. 

When I follow the fortune teller or friends for all the time, it is not my life anymore, means I lost already MY SELF. 

It is the real meaning of LOST. 

Lost for questioning to own self.

Lost for getting answer from my inner self and lost for trusting in myself,lost for believing in myself.

And more. Its choice to LOSE my self follow me even I am sleeping in a bed at a night.

How that happen? 
A brain is working even at night and catching from others such as the RADIO ACTIVE.

I `d like to choice to be into that activity with my innate kami/god and my ancestors.

Then, I will sense Kami in a nature in my life. 
There is not in MEDITATION. 

Because I know what is the best meditation for me. 

I did not realise well about it when I was in that kind of best Meditation life since I was young until a get peak of my turning point in my life.

A cleaning own space and work hard for your income which I had, and study hard for your future with sportive activity such as a long fiscal work and long walk could be best LIVELY Meditation which many kids do naturally. 

Not taking a wrong wake trial like a drinking alcohol Party Party for all night for every week end will be acceptable by healthy growing brain cells as own universe`s stars of young ages. 

Too much wrong events of our life for years may push youth into a circumstance which need a medication when get older or sooner. A high cost for medicare is sure for it.

Too late for me to hear that,even so still I have hope in the way of taking thankful imagination for what I have now.

A : Medication in a hospital or B : LIVELY Meditation in a every own work and home and garden or at a park, not shitting like a Buddha statue? 

I love to choose B to BE. 

By the way , what do you think about how come we lost 2 big article for this month? 
Our brains were working.

We never had party party nights to get to drunk. 

Honesty I just I say.....the timing was not so good for introducing Re-man`s books title in English by our translation. 

Well,translation work is szareishi`s life work for Ise-Hakusan-do, so, we should not to do, but just write down only ideas and our original expressions may smoothly works,and so on, we thinks so..... and we should not try to be think about Kami or try to write down about Kami anymore for little while. 

A key for this blog is the way of HEART :KOKORO-DO.

So , the main comment would be best for everyday of our life. 

Not LOSE our mind and heart to figure out WHAT Kami is. 

A heart for reality and people or nature which is already at here or there for everyday life, not go too far for writing on a blog may be better for our realistic originalities, to be  harmonised into the main purpose of Ise-Hakusan-Do. 

When we be a independent , we may can write down about our vision abut Kami/God, etc , so as about a spiritual subject.

That was telling us itself , we were losing own expression and own kami as micro universe of ours in us. So accident was happened,   maybe?...... not so sure.

But this is sure: We just live for our reality and believe in invisible Kami is smiling on us and keep realistic mind,not dreamer like,until right timing come up to write down complicated subjects.

Plus, needed a coffee break for our English skill, that was honesty other my thought, it came up on my mind so. Then, a one more,only the one essence os in us not ran faster than others maybe better for this one team work because all are working together in one good will for one vision as we all know.

I see..... now I feel better to lost my article..... I think she and he understood also.


Thank to Re-MAN. His article gave a good shooting foot ball to my heart and brain. I could just catch it, that is all. Then, also one DVD helped me realise the key to be for this blog and my life.

What was it ? 

I do not commercial for it, they do not pay to me hahahahaha It`s a joke. but I want a give the HINT. 
It is a movie about the Shark, a foot ball team and Coach. 

If you are interested, go to get it by your feet can be good long walk for you. SUMISO, you need go out for sometimes to take care of your strength. 

It`s true. 
Well are you getting lazy to help me out too? Aren`t you? 

Aaaaa.... little bit. Do we have a hot cocoa now? I make some for you. 

All right. 
Even I do not watch that movie, I can guess about it from today`s your words. and.... let check Ise-Hakusa-Do blog later. You may contributed at there about it.

That is why I like you very much. Good guessing, good six-sense but almost seven-sense or close to eight -sense, I think. Because you never seen ghosts even you had spiritual wonderful experiences in your past....and have a  good hearing ability then the best is, this nature of you. 
You are understandable to other`s needs. 

Oh too much to say about me, I am just typical woman, really I am,so would you stop? Thank you KOKORO. 
I thank for your existing. And do not think about me is like some kind of medium. I am just person who LOST all at one time like you had, and thank for still alive... after passed my dark zone in my life. That is all. 

I know... 
I love your way to think your self. 
A experience is everything. Only we can bring them in to somewhere we go after past away. 

That is a right.

_More an article about a photo and Ise by SAZAREISHI, Samurai Spirit as Ise-Hakusan-Do_

This photo was taken at the newly built bridge, the pathway towards Kazahinomi-no-miya shrine of Ise Jingu. 
It was taken on September 17th by one of my blog reader, at the ceremony for the completion .

This day, another special event was taking place. It was the day to distribute the taima-fuda charm for next year to those who were related in some way to Ise Jingu, and all of those people were a part of the first time bridge crossing ceremony.
The hexagon shape is appearing under this new bridge. It is the energetic figure of a deity. 

We thank for letting us live