Saturday, May 4, 2013

It got my heart ! Simple message from Archangel Metatron






~A Message from Archangel Metatron~ May 2013

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    Greetings Beloved Friends,
    We come here today to speak with you of power. 
    That is a very powerful word, is it not? Yes it is and it can have many
    The old paradigm of power being something that is held over someone is ending. 
    This connotation has been the way for much too long. 
    No one has power over another. No one is less than another. 
    All beings of the Light (Angels, Masters and all) are powerful but do not have power over you or anyone else. 
    There is no ‘ruling’ hierarchy who holds power and
    control over you, your life and your thoughts. 
    There is no jury here beloveds that decides on your ‘fate’. 
    There is no judgment in or with Spirit.
    And there is no human anywhere who has power over you. None. No one. Never. 
    The belief that this is true is an illusion. 
    If you believe it than dear ones it is your illusion that you have created. 
    Is it not time to uncreate that illusion and recreate that which is your truth?
    One can be and is powerful without having power over another. 
    No one is ‘powerless’ beloveds. 
    Never say you are powerless because this is not a truth. 
    Less power? Than who? Than what? Not true!
    You have all the power within you to overcome obstacles, belief systems that do not serve you, 
    and can change any venue you want at any time. This is your power. 
    Your personal power that is yours only. It is not about anyone else.
    This is your power to be who you want to be, do what you want to do and create what is in your heart to create.
    The Greek philosopher Aristotle wisely said,
     “What lies in our power to do, it is in our power to not do.” 
    Few words and much wisdom are in that once sentence.
    The power you own is much more than you may realize. You are a being of love and of Light. Everyone is. 
    You can create and manifest anything beloveds as long as it comes from your heart center and is in love.
    You ‘power up’ your engines and your computers. You can do the same with yourself. 
    And you may ask how to do this,how to accomplish it.
    It is finding self-worth. It is falling in love with your life and with you. 
    That beloveds is powerful. So very powerful. 
    You don’t have to seek it anywhere for it is right there inside. 
    You are a ‘powerhouse’ of wisdom, love and knowing that canmove you in any direction you wish to go.
    There are unlimited beings of the Light ; Angels, Masters, Beings from far away, spirit guides and more who are at your beck and call and will assist you anytime you ask. 
    It is our purpose to assist every human into the awakening process and to ascend to their rightful place. 
    We love you unconditionally and will do all that we can to help you bring peace into your life as well as to the planet.
    We are here to help you let go of fears and unforgiveness. And it must begin with yourself. 
    You cannot be the complete Divine being you are until you forgive yourself for everything and anything, forgive the past, and fall head over heels with life and with you.
    You are not ‘stuck’ in a life of hopelessness and lack unless you believe it is so. 
    Again, if you love yourself you cannot have the emotions of no hope, fear, guilt, being a victim, or being judgmental of anything or anyone including yourself.
    You are not a victim of fate or birth or circumstances. 
    Everything you experience is of your creation. This is a lesson that must be learned, must be grasped, acknowledged and to become a, shall we say ‘creed’, to live by.
    How often we tell you the importance of self. We continually say this to you time after time. This is for a reason. 
    When each of you finds the self-love that is needed the world as you know it will change. 
    There is no self-centeredness or conceit in self-love. 
    When you are in alignment with your power you are in alignment with unconditional love.
    By unconditional we mean exactly that. No conditions placed on that love. No matter what occurs, it is only love that matters.
    Beloved ones, tap into that inner wisdom and power. 
    Your powerfulness is unlimited. You are unlimited. 
    You are the center of your being, of your world.
    If you have heard the phrase, be centered or come to your center, what does that mean? 
    It means you go to your heart which is the center or core of your being. 
    The heart has many functions. In the physical body it regulates the flow of blood. 
    As the energy center known as the heart chakra, it is where intuition and love reside. 
    In the spiritual sense it is where everything resides. 
    So when you go to your center or become centered, this is what it means. You are going within instead of without.
    You are told to listen to your heart. This is wise advice. And what does the heart represent? Love of course. 
    So we come full circle back to love. All these words or terms are related and intertwined. Heart. Love. Center. Love. Center. Heart.

    And they all point to where it begins. With self-love and personal power.
    Let us recap what we have been attempting to convey to you dear ones.
    You have the power to create anything you desire. You have the power to be anyone you wish to be. 
    No one can take your power from you. 
    We add that often you do give your power away to another when allowing them to be in control. But you can always take it back. 
    Again this is all choice. 
    Life is about choice. Life is choice.
    It all begins at ‘home’ with yourself. Your power is in self-love. 
    Love is powerful. It can stand alone and needs nothing else to sustain it.
    Beloved and dear ones, take your power now by proclaiming to yourself that you love you and all that you are. 
    It is not a ‘power struggle’ that you are in. 
    Each has their own power and therefore does not need or have the right to another’s power.
    ‘Power up’ your life. Charge those batteries with love that never questions what you do or what you say. 
    You can do it.
    Start those powerful engines now dearest ones and do not sit in an idle position any longer. Choose, create, center 
    be powerful in loving and forgiving all including yourself.

    I am Archangel Metatron and you are loved.

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